Written by Keith Rowell
Last Updated: 01 June 2020

Send us email at We'd like to hear from you. If you have something to say and you are serious about UFOs, then please drop us a note.

We like to have discussions of substance about UFOs. There is lots and lots to learn. We can probably answer some of your questions, at least as far as serious UFO research knows any answers. (Try our Questions & Answers page.) Collectively we have more than 50 years with the subject. We are not wet behind the ears at Oregon MUFON. We've been in this from the 1970s and, God willing, will be in this into the 2030s.

Use our expertise. One of our missions at Oregon MUFON is to be a public resource for serious seekers of factual information and informed opinion about UFOs. As you know, it is not easy to get straightforward, clear answers to questions about UFOs. You may not like the answers we give you, but you can at least be assured that they are based on years of experience in the field. You can then continue on your own quest for an understanding of this complex phenomenon.

For News Media People

We at Oregon MUFON are not interested in supplying you with material for a provocative sound bite or sensational video clip. We've dealt with media people off and on over the years, and, generally, our message and information gets lost in the frenzy of the news media moment. We've come to understand that your job is not to promote understanding of a complex topic, but to deliver whatever you think might keep people watching so that corporate advertisers are happy. That's OK for a lot of things. But it is not OK for complex subjects that deserve serious treatment because of their real or potential impact on people's lives. However, if you are interested in doing a couple of hours treatment of the UFO with a local Oregon angle, we can certainly help you with knowledge and information. MUFON researchers contend that what is known beyond a reasonable doubt by experts in this field is plenty sensational without the tabloid treatment the UFO usually gets.

For Scoffers, Debunkers, and Extreme Skeptics

If you are not serious about UFOs or you are a debunker or extreme skeptic who merely wants to take up our valuable time, then please don't email us. We are not interested in argument for argument's sake. If you want to argue about UFOs with people in Oregon, you might try going to and typing in "skeptics".

A note for the rest of our readers: Sometimes debunkers are fun to talk to just to get an idea of their world view and psychology. But if you are interested in learning anything substantive about UFOs, it is best to avoid anyone who is a card carrying member of a debunking organization.