UFO Description: Two motorists in separate vehicles and unknown to each other apparently observed the same triangular object flying low and slow over Interstate Highway I-5.

Witness(es): Betty Wilson (pseudonym) and James Carney (pseudonym).

Time and Date: August 12, 2009, at 8:15 to 8:30 PM.

Duration: About 15 minutes total.

Place: Near Woodburn, Oregon.

Weather: Scattered high clouds, visibility 10 miles; wind two mph out of west, gusts to ten mph; temperature 68 degrees F.

Case Report: I-5 Flying Triangle (long download). Investigated by Tom Bowden.


Brief Narrative

Betty Wilson (pseudonym) was driving northbound on Interstate Highway I-5, the major interstate in Oregon, near Woodburn, Oregon.  She saw a darkish object off to her left with three bright lights on it.  The lights were in the middle bottom of the triangular object.  It crossed over I-5 at an estimated altitude of 100 to 200 feet.  She estimated the length to be 200 feet or so.  She heard no sound.  When she could stop, the object was not visible any longer.

Meanwhile, James Carney (pseudonym) was traveling north on I-5 a couple of minutes behind Betty Wilson to the south around eight or so miles.  He saw a bright, low-level light that soon became a structured, triangular object with lights on its underside.  He estimated it was maybe 50 feet over I-5 as it crossed I-5 about 300 feet ahead of him.  He continued to drive north watching the object.  He last saw it to his right (east of the highway) about a few hundred feet away hovering in a field not far from the NORPAC Foods cannery south of Woodburn.

James Carney's Drawing of the Triangular UFO
(Arrow shows direction of movement.)