UFO Description: A husband and wife take a smoking break in their backyard and see two separate events closely spaced: (1) Two high-flying, silvery objects and (2) One very large, fiery object moving along in the sky.
Witness(es): David and Rose Lowe (pseudonyms), husband and wife.
Time and Date: September 22, 2007, shortly after 9:00 PM.
Duration: Sighting of silvery objects about one minute. Sighting of fiery object about 10 to 15 seconds.
Place: Near Lebanon, Oregon.
Weather: Clear sky, visibility 10 miles; wind NW 8 to 10 mph; temperature 57 degrees F.
Case Report: Lebanon Fiery UFO Case Report (long download). Investigated by Tom Bowden, Keith Rowell, and former Oregon MUFON FI, Doug Hartley.
Brief Narrative
David and Rose stepped out on their backyard patio to take a smoking break in the brisk evening air near Lacomb, Oregon, a small village near Lebanon, Oregon. Shortly they saw two strange aerial phenomena in quick succession.
First they saw two, side-by-side, silvery, somewhat elongated objects flying overhead for about a minute or so, which is comparable to the speed of a high flying jet. These objects seemed more prominent than the usual high flying craft, however. The objects were traveling from west to east. Were they jets? Were they satellites? They didn't know.
Then, within minutes, they were startled by a very large, fiery, reddish-orange object going basically from the south to the north almost directly over their home. They described the size of the object later as about as large as their open hand at arm's length. The altitude of this object seemed much lower in the sky than the silvery, elongated objects. The object seemed possibly "sparkly" and to be giving off debris as it moved along. They saw it for around 10 to 15 seconds. It was silent and did not have any kind of trail behind it.
Rose's Drawing of the Fiery UFO