UFO Description: One person in his backyard video-recorded a small, compact, vigorously transforming UFO with odd protuberances and occasional, internally generated, white light "flare ups" on the protuberances in blue sky daylight.

Witness: Don Andersberg (pseudonym).

Date and Time: September 6, 2012, at 4:59 to 5:02 PM.

Duration: About 15 seconds of visual observation immediately followed by 2 minutes and 34 seconds of video.

Place: Milwaukie, Oregon.

Weather: Clear day; calm conditions; visibility 10 miles; about 90º F.

Case Report: Milwaukie "Sprouting Potato" UFO. Investigated by Keith Rowell, OM Assistant State Director.


Brief Narrative

Here's yet another good one for you from the diligent efforts of Don Andersberg (pseudonym). The witness, Don, has a "hobby" of looking for UFOs that he can video-record from his backyard. He's been quite successful over the last few years. We will be featuring more of his UFOs in the coming months.

What Was This Thing In Portland Metro Area Skies?

What do you think of this oddball UFO? As I've stated before in documenting Don Andersberg's UFOs, I don't see how this one can be anything but truly anomalous, but you never know. There are clever people out there and I'm sure we have a few in Portland. Maybe one of these folks is working overtime creating strange stuff that they release into our skies.

This one I've dubbed the "sprouting potato" UFO (though sprouting potatoes don't normally light up from the inside!). I was going to call it the "Mr. Potato Head" UFO at first, but as I examined the video carefully, I never saw a face in it at any point!  So, it became the "sprouting potato" UFO. The basic pinkish/reddish body reminded me of the common grocery store red potato variety. The crazy transforming protuberances on the seeming outside of this UFO reminded me a little of the sprouts on old potatoes. So there you go.

In the six images from single frames of Don's video below, note the complexity of protuberances in image 4300. Image 20500 shows an example (in the top protuberance) of the occasional flare up (indicated by "rays") of the strange apparently internally generated lights in the protuberances. Image 21100 shows that many protuberances at a time light up sometimes.

Learn all about this one by reading the whole report. As always, be sure to download the full case study and read it thoroughly before committing to judgment about just what this thing might have been.

 Six Images from Frames of Don's Video